Newspaper owned by Dunisani Ntsanwisi – Dunisani Ntsanwisi born and bred in the village of Malamulele in Limpopo. A qualified media studies practitioner trained from Boston Media house, he started his career at Rainbow FM where he worked as a news compiler for six months. In 2004 he moved back to Limpopo and worked as a journalist for a community newspaper called Seipone news that is where he developed the love for community print media, and in July 2005 registered Nhluvuko Media Communication that now publishes Nthavela newspaper.

http://www.aip.org.za/about-us/board-members/Publisher acknowledged in media:

Print + Broadcasting sector status reports by Association of Independent Publishers + ICT Union; ICASA Council recommendations: READ MORE

Dunisani Ntsanwisi – PUBLISHER

Dunisani Ntsanwisi born and bred in the village of Malamulele in Limpopo. A qualified media studies practitioner trained from Boston Media house, he started his career at Rainbow FM where he worked as a news compiler for six months. In 2004 he moved back to Limpopo and worked as a journalist for a community newspaper called Seipone news that is where he developed the love for community print media, and in July 2005 registered Nhluvuko Media Communication that now publishes Nthavela newspaper. READ MORE

SAASTA secures a valuable partner in the community media of Limpopo

SAASTA has always considered the media to be a very valuable partner in engaging people with science.

Of late there has been a drive to reach out to the heart of rural communities with the message that there is a better future for all South Africans through science education, communication and awareness, and what better partner could there be than media that can reach communities in their home languages? READ MORE

Dunisani Ntsanwisi of Nthavela News signs the MoU, with SAASTA Managing Director Dr Jabu Nukeri (left) and Themelihle Sibeko looking on.


10 reasons why you should be advertising in newspapers!


Unlike the internet, community newspapers are trusted because they publish content, articles, photos and events that the locals relate to and making it easy to fact check. This trusted medium also allows the readers to trust the advertising more then they would an online advert on a classified website.

In addition, audiences under the age of 35 ranked ads in news media as the most trustworthy.


When it comes to building momentum for a new brand or product, appealing to early adopters can be critical. Those early adopters read newspapers.

Research shows 75 per cent of those who are the first in their social network to try a new product are newspaper readers.

Further, readers are 30% more likely to discuss products advertised with friends and family, and go online for more information, according to a report published in Admap magazine.


For centuries, newspapers have been responsible for credible and in-depth reporting on local, regional, national and global issues every day.

The trust and reliance readers place on newspapers have a hallow effect on advertising found within the medium.

Research has shown consumers are not only open to press advertising, they rely on it as an essential shopping tool when making purchasing decisions.

Additionally, advertising in newspapers is highly scalable and has a high reach, with more than 13 million Australians reading newspapers. Newspapers also present advertisers the opportunity to target high engaged readers.


A trusted news brand in the community.

2 thoughts on “E-EDITION

  • I commend you for the great work you are doing in documentation and revitalization of our beautiful language, Xitsonga. Please keep it up!!!


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